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Courses Types and Features

--Mandarin Language Center Course Types and Features Planning Table--

Course Types Target Audience Course Duration Number of Participants Course Features
Short-term Customized Courses Non-native Mandarin speakers from nearby communities or agricultural biotechnology parks, with courses designed based on individual needs, offered in both long-term and short-term formats, for individuals or groups. 2 to 8 weeks 1 to 6
  • Beginner classes focus on listening and speaking skills 
  • Intermediate classes enhance reading skills 
  • Advanced classes increase proficiency in written language, and reading and discussion abilities of current events articles. 
  • "Reading and writing" skills are developed concurrently at all levels to help students apply Mandarin flexibly in daily life and the workplace.
TOCFL Certification Class Foreigners who need to pass the Taiwan Mandarin Proficiency Test (TOCFL). More than 48 hours 1 to 6 Course content is based on the level students aim to achieve. Helps students obtain the Mandarin Proficiency Test certificate to meet admission or job requirements.
Mandarin Language Camp

Foreigners who have obtained entry qualifications, with courses arranged in a camp format.

1 to 4 weeks More than 5 At least 3 hours of basic Mandarin courses daily, combined with diverse cultural experiences, practical sessions, and local experiences related to living and sightseeing in Taiwan.
International Special Program Students in international industry-academic cooperation classes from various departments of our university Formal Mandarin credit courses totaling 28 credits 20 to 40 Also offers at least 5 hours per week of non-credit Mandarin proficiency tutoring courses. Students must first have the equivalent of TOCFL A1 level and aim to pass the TOCFL A2 test before the end of their second semester
Preparatory Class Mandarin preparatory students from the university's international specialized program. At least 20 hours per week per semester, with a minimum of 720 hours for the whole academic year. 20 to 40 The preparatory period is limited to one year and restricted to Mandarin courses. Students must achieve TOCFL A2 level before transferring to their original admitted department. After entering the undergraduate program, students must continue learning Mandarin and reach TOCFL B1 level before the second year. Those who do not meet the standard must continue taking the university's Mandarin tutoring courses until they meet the standard to graduate.