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Basic Literacy

Based on the educational philosophy and curriculum goals, the center plans its courses. In promoting the quality assurance of teaching, from planning, execution, evaluation to feedback and revision, through the PDCA process, the improvement of teaching quality and core competencies can be gradually and effectively realized. At the same time, we emphasize both theory and practice, offer small class teaching, use on-campus learning resources, provide academic counseling, consolidate and enhance foreign students' listening, speaking, reading, and writing abilities, and pay attention to students' learning effectiveness. We provide diverse and multi-faceted learning assistance to meet various learning needs, aiming to cultivate students with the following basic literacy:

Basic Learning

  • Pronunciation and Tones: Mastering correct pinyin and tones is the first step in learning Mandarin.
  • Basic Vocabulary and Grammar: Establish a primary vocabulary and grammar structure.
  • Listening and Reading Comprehension: Improve listening and reading skills to understand daily conversations and simple articles.

Cultural Background and Language Environment

  • Understand Chinese cultural background: Language and culture are often closely related.
  • Participate in Mandarin communities and activities: This can help you integrate into the language environment more naturally.

Learning Strategies and Techniques

  • Listen and read more: Improve language comprehension through listening and reading.
  • Practice communication with native speakers: Practice speaking and writing skills.
  • Recitation and imitation: Mastering the languages sense and expression through imitation.